Sunday, 23 December 2012

Fluoridated water - Brought to you by the same well meaning folks who poisoned us with Freon and leaded gasoline.

It is becoming very common nowadays for people to shop around for their family's doctor. Trusting someone you don't know, with the health of your family, can be unnerving. One of the tools we have, to ease our mind, is a background check. Wouldn't you want to know if your family doctor had poisoned millions of children? Wouldn't you second guess his prescription before putting it in your child's mouth? Don't you want to know who put fluoride in your water before you drink it?

Beginning in the early 1920’s, GM and Dupont added lead to gasoline to improve combustion efficiency. It immediately rang alarm bells in the scientific community. Many were concerned about the potentially terrible health effects of breathing the lead spewed out in exhaustGM and Dupont quickly hired Robert Kehoe, a young scientist. According to historian Lynne Snyder, Kehoe “single-handedly spared the leaded gasoline industry from federal regulation”. He argued that lead was found naturally in human blood and that it was harmless if it remained below a “threshold level”. The U.S. Surgeon General was satisfied and Big Industry charged forward. Lead was pumped into the atmosphere and unsuspecting lungs for another 60 years before it was phased out.

Between 1927 and 1987, 68 million children were exposed to toxic levels of lead from leaded gasoline. Government data suggests that the toxic automobile emissions contributed to 5000 annual deaths from lead related heart disease, and an almost countless number of children were diagnosed with neurological injuries and learning disabilities.

In 1930, Dupont and the General Motors division Frigidaire were being questioned about their new miracle coolant Freon. In the event of a fire, Freon escaping from refrigerators and air conditioners can decompose into phosgene (the same horrific gas used in the trenches of WW1) and hydrogen fluorine (HF). This was of especial concern to firefighters.

Again, Robert Kehoe arrives on the scene. Using such an obviously poisonous gas in the home may have seemed absurd, but Kehoe assured the firefighters and other concerned parties that any such toxic gases would be in such small amounts that no one should be worried. He claimed, “The decomposition of Freon is not to be regarded as of great consequence”. However, by 1935, testing was proving that even exposure to undetectable amounts of HF was extremely harmful. In fact, the scientists did not find any exposure level, no matter how minimal, at which HF was not capable of severe lung, kidney, and liver damage.

Barely six months after the publication of this troubling discovery, Robert Kehoe quickly became one of three members of the Advisory Committee on Research in Dental Cavities for the American Dental Association. They, in turn, assisted in the publication of influential studies and literature supporting the fluoridation of public water supplies and preaching its benefits. Their efforts effectively vindicated fluoride from the bad reputation it was already garnering.

Are these the “scientists” we are going to trust with our health? Whose interests are they protecting?

Fluoride has been critical in the development of countless industrial products including

aerosol propellants
non-stick surfaces
metal smelting
microwaveable popcorn bags
hamburger wrappers
and worst of all the atomic bomb

Since WW2, fluoride has been the most damaging poison rising from industrial smokestacks. Not only is it many times more toxic than all other pollutants, it also synergistically boosts the toxicity of other pollutants as well. At one point during the Cold War, fluoride pollution was responsible for more damage claims than all twenty other major air pollutants combined. It was getting expensive, and something had to be done.

What could be more convenient than disposing of your industrial waste into the same mouths that are crying out for justice?

How much poison must we drink while financing it? How long do we have to swallow these lies?

Fluoridating water is clearly just bad science with worse motives.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

An Introduction to Fluoride

I would like to start this anti-water fluoridation blog by talking about the supposed reasons for fluoridation. Health Canada would have us believe that fluoridating our water supply helps to prevent dental decay. They used to claim that swallowed fluoride became part of a child’s tooth enamel even before the tooth erupted in its mouth. This incorporated fluoride was supposed to make teeth more resistant to decay.  The authorities have now rejected this idea, because there was no evidence it was true, and have concocted three new explanations for how fluoride is beneficial.

  • Fluoride defends the teeth by slowing down the demineralization of calcium and phosphate from the tooth enamel.

  • Fluoride “remineralizes” enamel by adding a fresh crystal layer of calcium and a durable fluoride compound known as fluorapetite.

  • Fluoride combines with acid from fermenting foods and forms hydrogen fluoride (HF). This destructive chemical then enters cell membranes, interfering with enzyme activity, making the “bad bacteria” impotent.

(You will notice that even if these claims were true, none of them require drinking the fluoride. You would only need to swish it around in your mouth.)

They defend these claims by producing data that shows how the rates of dental decay have fallen slowly since they began water fluoridation in the 1940’s. They don’t show the data demonstrating the same decline in other non-fluoridating developed countries. They clearly can’t or choose not to discern between cause and correlation.

The truth is that fluoride destroys teeth, and every other bone and joint in your body.
Fluoride does provide a temporary defensive “crust” over your tooth, all the while eating away at it from the inside out. Once the decay penetrates the “crust” it is soon over. The decay quickly and easily destroys the tooth.

These smiles are not what they promise us.

Skeletal Fluorosis: A continuation of dental fluorosis whereby excessive amounts of fluoride are ingested. Here is the result in severe cases: 

 They promise us white smiles, but instead our bodies are saturated with the most dangerously reactive element known to man, cursing our society with an endless number of chronic ailments including:
  • Arthritis
  • Sluggish metabolism
  • Impaired thyroid function
  • Depression
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Skeletal fluorosis
  • Irritable bowel syndrome and indigestion
  • Heartburn
  • Psoriasis
  • Exhaustion
  • Headaches 

I don’t know about you, but I really don’t think the side effects are worth the non-existent benefits. The last time I checked, chemicals that don’t help you, but really harm you instead are called poison (which incidentally, is a common use for fluoride). 

Possibly the least reassuring part of the fluoridation agenda is where the authorities are sourcing the fluoride. The fluoride, in the water I drink, is scrubbed out of the inside of a smokestack. A superphosphate fertilizer factory in California is required by law to limit the belching of fluoride waste into the atmosphere because of its toxic effect on the local citizens and their environment. So, rather than safely disposing of their own toxic waste, they sell it to public water treatment plants, like ours in Lethbridge, so that we can be poisoned instead. That sounds like a sweet deal for everyone but us.

This has to stop. The Lethbridge City Council and the Mayor have a responsibility to protect us. They have no business forcefully poisoning us. We do not have to grin and bear it.

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