Sunday, 1 September 2013

Conversations with a Mayoral Candidate

These are some of the conversations I have been having with local mayoral candidate Chris Spearman. If anyone has any comments, I’d like to hear what you have to say. Also, if you’d like to contact him yourself and tell him what you think, that would be even better.

Here is what Alberta Health says about fluoridation
Everyone should educate themselves on this topic and get credible information from both sides of the issue.

Martin Van Popta Mr. Spearman, I agree that people should educate themselves and find credible evidence. The trouble is that the site you have provided is filled with large claims only. No evidence has been provided. If we are supposed to study credible evidence from the pro-fluoride side, then can you please provide it?

Like · Reply · 2 · August 23 at 8:00am

Martin Van Popta All that being said the real issue here is an ethical one, not a scientific one. Is your Lethbridge really going to be a place where the majority makes health decisions for the minority? There are more effective and far more efficient ways of delivering fluoride to those who want to be fluoridated. Even if you believe the claim that fluoride is nutrient, what gives 51 percent of people the right to force it on 49 (which is what happened when the last referendum took place).
Like · Reply · 2 · August 23 at 8:02am · Edited

Chris Spearman - Mayoral Candidate Here is another article which offers some balanced perspective on the subject
The fluoridation of water supplies to municipalities in the U.S. is done to prevent tooth decay.

Martin Van Popta This article implies that there is scientific evidence to support the benefits of fluoridation. Will somebody please provide some substance to back up these claims? It is very easy to mock everyone who stands against fluoride by calling them fearmongerers and luddites, but there has to be some evidence.

Chris Spearman - Mayoral Candidate I make no apologies. If it is a health issue, let us see legitimate evidence. If it is an issue of democratic rights, I would expect those opposed to fluoride to ensure that a referendum is conducted at the same time as the municipal election. A referendum could be conducted cost effectively at the same time when voters are going to the polls anyway.

Martin Van Popta Also, Mr. Spearman, may I ask you how you would define which issues are voted on and which issues should be left to individual choice? The article that you shared seems to imply that every community should have the "freedom" to force a majority vote on the minority. While I understand the value of democracy when deciding many political and economic issues, don't you think a line is crossed when citizens are being forced to consume a substance they believe is toxic to their families?

Chris Spearman - Mayoral Candidate Yes. Most issues would be decided by your elected council. This is a health issue. Most councillors are not qualified to decide on matters of public health, including me. If you force me to, I will decide based on the recommendations of those who are qualified, such as the local health authority, the National Dental Association, Alberta Health etc. I have the background and the experience to decide on matters of taxation, utility rates, capital planning, economic development, transportation, urban development and social services. That is why I feel qualified to serve and there are many in this community who will attest to that. I am not a one issue candidate. I won't be bullied into supporting anyone's views on a single issue.

Martin Van Popta If you would like to see non-partisan double-blind studies on the harmful effects of fluoride I can provide them easily. Can you provide the same in defence of fluoridation? As for democratic rights, they should never supersede personal freedoms.

Martin Van Popta May I ask how speaking with a mayoral candidate about an issue that concerns me, a citizen, is now considered bullying? I am confused. If you don't want to speak with me, please make that clear.

Chris Spearman - Mayoral Candidate I have committed to investigate the issue. I am open to discussing it with anyone who has an open mind. May I ask what your professional qualifications are? Or are your views just your personal opinion? I have begun discussing this issue with knowledgeable and qualified people. Materials have been provided to me for review by those who oppose fluoride. I am in no rush to make a decision and have every right to delay my decision until my platform is made public on nomination day.

Chris Spearman - Mayoral Candidate I am going to take the time to investigate the fluoride issue thoroughly. Until that time, I will continue to post articles, which others are free to react and comment on.

Martin Van Popta I respect your right to make your platform decisions at your leisure. You had posted a link that you thought had a balanced view. I thought that since you had published it on a public forum that you were willing to discuss the issue with citizens. As for my qualifications, I have none. I am just a citizen talking to a politician. I would warn you, though, that health professionals have been wrong about many health issues, and have made many poor decisions. DDT, asbestos, cigarettes, leaded gasoline, thalidomide, and Freon were all once considered harmless. So as you say, keep an open mind.

Martin Van Popta Please be assured that I am not attempting to bully you, I am only asking questions. I would be very willing to answer any questions you have for me.

Chris Spearman - Mayoral Candidate Everyone in elected office makes decisions based on the best information available. Your elected representatives would be foolish to make decisions on public health without referencing credible sources.

Chris Spearman - Mayoral Candidate I don't agree Jeannie. If most want fluoridation after hearing the evidence from both sides, you will have to accept that.

Martin Van Popta Agreed! We have credible sources for you to examine. To my knowledge, there is not a single non-industry funded double blind placebo test in existence that can prove the benefits of water fluoridation. If I am wrong about this, please share the studies you find with me.

Chris Spearman - Mayoral Candidate I will ask. Please provide your information for verification. Thanks !!!

Martin Van Popta I should be able to provide a list of studies by tomorrow. I don't have the file on me presently. I appreciate you taking the time to chat.

Chris Spearman - Mayoral Candidate You're welcome. I have lots to read so take your time assembling information. Next Friday would be fine so I can read next weekend and find a source for verification. Thanks !!!

Dr. Jay Levy, a practicing dentist in Portland, exposes the demonstrably false c...See More

b) Studies investigating association between water-fluoride levels higher than fluoridated water (2 to 5 ppm) & bone/hip fracture.

Martin Van Popta I understand that the first resource is lengthy and you probably don't have time to read it. It would be good if you could make it available to your health professionals. The video I have provided was created by a dentist in Portland. He demonstrates how inaccurate and misleading information from health professionals can be. Alberta Health Services has demonstrated similar behaviour. I don't understand the motive, but they seem to have an irrational desire to defend water fluoridation, even when ethics and the science don't support it. The video is short (only 12 minutes long), so please take the time to view it. The last link is an extensive list of studies and reports on water fluoridation and its many effects on human and environmental well-being.

(I was using my wife's FB account (Jeannie) which is why Mr. Spearman refers to me as Jeannie)

1 comment:

  1. That would be gross to have some waste in the water. I sure hope that we never have some waste get in our water. I like it the way it is, nice and clean.
